
I created grrrl in a black hoodie to fill the space between love of music and love of self. This platform does not tolerate ignorant, hateful, or harmful beliefs, and we never (ever) promote bands who are anti-women.

I’ve grown weary of men explaining how I should change to become a legitimate part of their scene. Why am I held to different standards and judged harsher for simply existing in the same world?

Stop telling me I need to start a band to be taken seriously… that I need to care less or work harder to be recognized as a “real member” of your community… that I should dress a certain way or dwell in your shadow as a trophy girlfriend for the right to exist.

grrrl in a black hoodie is:

  • PRO pop punk
  • PRO feminism
  • PRO hoodies

We believe you should listen to what you want, love who you want, wear what you want, and BE THE PERSON YOU WANT TO BE!